by kittycat | Oct Sun 2014 | Beautiful brides, boudoir, bridal makeup, Hair and makeup, hair and makeup artist, katie reay scott, naked 2, Special occasion, Uncategorized, Urban Decay makeup, vintage
You may have fallen into a bit of a rut with your makeup, or just like something a little more convenient, or simply fancy a treat… well look no further than the awesome Naked pallets by Urban Decay. They are brilliant! THIS is how Urban Decay does...
by kittycat | Feb Tue 2014 | autumn wedding, beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, Bobby Brown makeup, boudoir, bridal makeup, bridesmaids, Hair and makeup, Mac makeup, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, photography, Urban Decay makeup
Steer clear of very neutral and pale colours as these can make you look washed out in photographs. Instead choose a shade in pink, rose or plum to brighten up your face. If you are feeling particually tired and have eyes to match choose a bold bright coloured...
by kittycat | Feb Sun 2014 | beautiful bride, Beautiful brides, Bobby Brown makeup, boudoir, bridal makeup, Hair and makeup, Mac makeup, oxfordshire, Photographer David Bostock, photography, Special occasion
“Wow, what an amazing experience! I had a fantastic time on my shoot, I recommend everyone who is hesitant to have a go, and if you are not hesitant then book one quick because it will be even better than you think. The whole experience was very relaxing; Katie very...
by kittycat | Jul Wed 2013 | boudoir, Hair, Hair and makeup, Photographer David Bostock, Photographer Lucie Z Photography, photography, pin interest, Special occasion
I have just posted two new pin interest boards. Please take a look, I can be found as Katie Scott Hair & makeup artist. One post is on Festival glamour and the other is Boudoir. I do lots of Boudoir shoots with Es- boudoir photography and also Lucie Z...